Friday, May 21, 2010

"Every real thought on every real subject knocks the wind out of somebody or other."

~Oliver Wendell Holmes

61. Pickled asparagus.
62. The blustery wind.  I know a lot of people hate it, but I looooove it.
63. Health coming back (REJOICE!)
64. Guitar
65. Did I say health?  :)
66. The internets

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling"

 ~James E. Starrs

55. bike ride today, so nice.
56. Catch with the boys, even if it was only just for a few minutes.
57. Some time with Ada.
58. A birthday surprise for Sam that may, or may not go overwell.  We'll see!!!
59. Follow up call from Cristie.  I need to be more thoughtful like that.
60.  This weather is AWESOME.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Never, never, never give up"

~Winston Churchill

51.  Ada can ride a bike.
52.  Sam reaping some good things as a result of his hard work in his calling. 
53. SPRING. SUN. Ahhhhh....
54.  The funeral was sweet and sad and I felt very blessed for my life and what I've been given and for the good people I've known along the way.

Monday, April 12, 2010

"If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived. "

 ~Jeffrey R. Holland (The Inconvenient Messiah, BYU Speeches, Feb 15, 1982)

44. Rain
45. Parents are home safe.
46. Exercise
47. Podcasts
48. Ipod
49. My little family
50. Showers

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead."

~Aldous Huxley

40. Spring Break with the kids.  It's been fun.
41. Beautiful weather.
42. Mood levels are good.
43. Guitar.  Music.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Don't Say Anything At All"

~ Your mother.

conference was great. I'm just tired and feeling really...tired

37.  Conference
38.  A nice husband :)
39.  Bedtime

Friday, April 2, 2010

"To promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing."

~Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 1876

Today I am grateful for (just a forewarning-  I am NOT in the mood for this right now) :

31.  I don't know.  My life, I suppose.  ;)
32. Lunch with old friends.  Yes, that was very nice and fun.
33.  Exercise, I guess.  I'm sure I'll feel that way after the fact. 
34.  Mary is coming into town next month!!! Hooray! 
35.  I'm grateful for the bliss helps to keep things in perspective. 
36.  Conference tomorrow!  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"He that can have Patience, can have what he will."

~Benjamin Franklin

Today I am grateful:

26.  I kept my word (to myself) and exercised today, even though I had to do it at 10pm.  :)
27.  Music. 
28.  The gorgeous clear skies after the snow stopped.
29.  Baseball practice was cancelled (the boys were disappointed, I was secretly elated).
30.  My parents, who I got to visit with on the way to the airport.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Optimist: Day-dreamer, more elegantly spelled"

~Mark Twain

19.  My young women.  What lovely and beautiful girls.
20. Prayer
21. Bedtime
22. General Conference (I really do look forward to it.)
23. Tucking my kids in, knowing they are happy to see me.
24.  Sam's jokes
25.  Driving adventures through Utah.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge."

~Bertrand Russel

15.  Boys (especially mine)
16.  Faithful women
17.  My sister (included also in 16)
18.  The prayer that led me to this life that I hoped for as a girl.

today is a mix of renewed energy and determination clashed with the reality of my weakness and just life in general. 

I am allowing myself to take very small steps.

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Every spring is the only spring - a perpetual astonishment."

~ Ellis Peters

7.  howling wind.  Open windows.
8. Vase full of flowers
9. Clean and vacuumed bedroom.
10. coloring eggs with the family.
11. a burning desire for good.
12. gratitude for Grace
13. easy and yummy dinner.  Food on our table.
14. still learning and growing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Be Strong and of a good courage. Be not afraid, neither be though dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee, withersoever thou goest."

~Joshua 1:9

I am grateful for:

1. A fresh start.  So it's been over a year, so what!)
2. Sam, and his eagerness to help me out
3.Young Women's Conference.  It was really good.
4. My bed
5.  being home with my family.  Cedar City was rough
6. But the St. George temple was good.  I liked that a lot.