Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I am so thankful:

1. For family -birthday parties, reunions, cousins....so fun.
2. For my bed. (I need it).
3. For the chance to start fresh and do better tomorrow (should I happen to be blessed with another day).
4. For children who forgive and forget so quickly.
5. For Sam putting up with my moodiness so well.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today I am thankful for:

1. Water
2. Ice Cream
3. Cold showers
4. To have another day to tuck my sweet children into bed.
5. To be driven to accomplish something, no matter how small.

Oh, and "God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today, I am grateful:

1. That my house is starting to look cleaner...
2. That I'm fully conscious of my PMS behavior, and realize that it's not just that I'm crazy
3. That I'm not crazy ???!??
4. For a washer and dryer.
5. For prayer.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Today I'm so grateful to have been born;
1. In this family.
2. In this time.
3. Under these circumstances.

It is clear to me, that I need to step it up. In a huge way.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Today I am grateful for;

1. Forgiveness
2. Prayer
3. Spring rain
4. My home
5. A good book.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Today I am grateful;

1. To have worked hard.
2. For my family.
3. For the beautiful weather
4. For good books.
5. For prayer.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is starting to get old. Not the idea, just the format.

This morning I would have had a million things to say. I felt clarity, a sense of purpose and direction. And 12 short hours later, I am lost again. (not really. Mostly I am tired).

I am grateful for this morning. I won't go into detail, but it was really something that I needed, and have lacked for (probably) almost 2 years now. So I'm grateful!

It's my twins' birthday tomorrow. I am so grateful to be their mother. And Eddie's too.
I knew I always wanted a family. I just had no inkling of how much it would actually mean to me when the time came. Not only do I love my children. I like who they are. I am fascinated by how they are growing, what they are becoming...it's been an amazing experience.

I'm not a good mom. Home-making, mothering, doesn't come naturally to me. I wish even now that I could say I'll do better tomorrow, but if I were to be honest, I probably won't. I hope they'll forgive me. I think they'll grow up knowing that I am crazy for them. That with all my weaknesses and faults, that I really love them for who they are. I won't stop trying. Because they are my bliss- I am so grateful for the chance to be their mom.

I don't mean to sound negative. It's bliss for me- to be a mother. It's just also so very humbling...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Today I am grateful that Sam is home. I am also grateful for a few "things" -

1. The crystal that spins rainbows in my kitchen every afternoon (a gift from my mother in law). It's a dose of daily magic and always brightens my day.
2. The twins' birthday party provided by my mom (so fun. They'll always remember it). They're lucky to have her. I'm luckier :).
3. The beautiful afghan that I won. (I honestly can't believe someone would just give something like that away!)
4. My pearls (a total surprise gift from Sam two Christmases ago).
5. My ipod. (I know I've said this before. But seriously, it pretty much takes the place of prozac for me).
6. Girls night out, provided by mother in law last night. That was a great way to celebrate my anniversary ;)- so much fun!

I cannot believe how much I have. Not only with things of real substance (relationships, the gospel etc) but material things as well. It's just too much. I really need to do better. To give more of myself... It's time for me to step it up in a big way.

It's also time to go to bed. I'm sure this is a garbled mess. But I had to put it down.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's been a great day! Why I'm grateful:

1. I saw it in Sam's face this morning. He knows. And I know how lucky I am!
2. Lunch with my dad today was the best.
3. My Tim-Dad slept at my house so I could go to a dive bar and watch my sweetie play ;) What a generous guy!
4. Ibuprofen and Diphenhydromene saved our little family today.
5. Girl time with my mother in law and sisters in law. So fun!
6. My kiddos. There are no adjectives to describe the joy they bring me.

My life is overflowing abundance.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today, I am grateful

1. For family
2. For opportunities to grow relationships
3. For church
4. For naps
5. To not be going to bed in a huge mess :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Why I'm grateful today:

1. I know lots of amazing people. People I really look up to. And these same people are also in my corner, rooting for me. How cool is that?
2. The wind. It howled, carried up the dirt, blew leaves and sticks all over the place. It moaned and whistled and slammed my doors open and shut. The wind reminds me that I'm alive.
3. The birthday dinner actually turned out to be good. (First tries on recipes don't usually come out successful for me.)
4. To feel happy. Not because I've earned it or deserve it. I just feel happy today. I'm grateful.
5. Playing with Sam today. Climbing, playing music...(I was not on my game in either area today, but it was nice to spend some time with him before he heads out of town again).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Today I am grateful for;

1. Sam
2. Sam
3. Sam
4. Sam
5. Sam

*I've got it made because of this guy!

Monday, April 14, 2008

1. Clean sheets
2. Old movies
3. My dishwasher is still working (it runs on pure will).
4. Options
5. Scriptures

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today I am grateful for:

1. My mother in law and her inspired words :).
2. Music.
3. Family.
4. Food :)
5. To be home, safe.

It's hard to admit this. But some days I have a difficult time doing this. I'm a little grumpy and annoyed right now...

But these kinds of days are PRECISELY why I do this.

Really, there's no excuse for going to bed an ingrate :) And lucky for me, it's too easy to recall the good things in my life (because there are so many)!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today I am grateful for...
1. Beautiful weather, and working side by side with Sammy.
2. Ada's glasses
3. Youtube. (Haircut tips)
4. My outing with Jackie-what a sweetie.
5. That Eddie still wants to sit on my lap :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Today I am so grateful

1. To be home.
2. That Ada can see better.
3. To have learned that "routines" are an easy way to keep Jack happy.
4. To live in Utah.
5. For my home, my kids, my family life. It's the best.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Today I am grateful

1. My washer and dryer.
2. To embark on a mini adventure (sort of).
3. for Music.
4. for Refunds.
5. for Dear Sam.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Today I am grateful...

1. Music. Singing, playing, listening to my family. It's my favorite thing to do.
2. Conference (again).
3. Computers.
4. The motivation to read my scriptures every day - which means...
5. I'm thankful for Lizzie and the challenge to do so.
6. for my mom. She's so amazing. I'm so lucky.

It's been a great Sunday.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Today I am grateful for;

1. General Conference. My favorite weekends are GC weekends.
2. To have felt energized and ready to meet the challenges of the day.
3. To go to bed knowing I left my situation better than I found it this morning. (At least I think so.)
4. For my bed. I can't wait to crawl in...
5. To have found this quote:

"Thousand flowers in spring, the moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, snow in winter. If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life."

-Wu Men (Hui-K'ai) 1183-1260

Friday, April 4, 2008

On this lovely day I am grateful for...

1. The smell of dirt on my hands (yardwork has officially begun).
2. Friends who have no idea how they bless my life, just by being who they are.
3. A husband who has undying faith in me (even though my actions provide no foundation for him to do so)!
4. A clean car (cleaner, anyway) aaaaahhhhh... (how did I think that I could be happy while driving around a giant garbage can?)
5. Eddie and his sweet song this morning. He sang so fervently-it was priceless.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's been too long.

Okay, on this sad day, I am grateful:

1. for family
2. for friends
3. for the Comforter
4. That resilience is a part of human nature.
5. To be reminded of what's really important (even though it came at too great a cost).

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today I am grateful for:

1. Doctors that say "Aha!" when I explain what seems like a baffling mystery. I finally have a course of action to take that will feel purposeful, and hopefully help my little girl.

2. Ada, my girl. My sweet, darling girl. She's my constant reminder that if I persist in happiness, I will find beauty and music in everything.

3. Catching the leak before the whole basement "office" flooded.

4. My ipod. (Cleaning up a flooded storage room would be oh so mundane otherwise!)

5. Knowing that I won't ever pay 100$ for a cut and color again. (at least I think I won't).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Today, I am grateful for;

1. Open windows and fresh air.
2. The sound of the lawn mower.
3. My helpful, patient, devoted husband.
4. Kids that come in "smelling like the wind" (as my mother in law puts it).
5. Opportunities for new friendships.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today I am grateful for...

1. A full, long night's rest.
2. A whole day ahead of me, and I'm healthy and able to meet it.
3. Watching my kids converse at the breakfast table.
4. My dashingly handsome husband.
5. My home and the opportunity to take care of it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I may be overdoing it on the blog front. But seeing how this has almost completely replaced my journal, I wanted a place to record my daily bliss...Each day I will list a minimum of 5 things for which I am grateful.

1. Sam has a home office...I get to see him throughout the day- it's nice.
2. Little voices on my answering machine. (Jack called today from school).
3. My health.
4. My home, which I am determined to care for a little better.
5. Prayer.

There are really so many more. Today is a sunny, cold to the bone, beautiful January day. I am about to go pick my kids up from school. I'm excited to see them.