Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today I am grateful for...

1. A full, long night's rest.
2. A whole day ahead of me, and I'm healthy and able to meet it.
3. Watching my kids converse at the breakfast table.
4. My dashingly handsome husband.
5. My home and the opportunity to take care of it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I may be overdoing it on the blog front. But seeing how this has almost completely replaced my journal, I wanted a place to record my daily bliss...Each day I will list a minimum of 5 things for which I am grateful.

1. Sam has a home office...I get to see him throughout the day- it's nice.
2. Little voices on my answering machine. (Jack called today from school).
3. My health.
4. My home, which I am determined to care for a little better.
5. Prayer.

There are really so many more. Today is a sunny, cold to the bone, beautiful January day. I am about to go pick my kids up from school. I'm excited to see them.